Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Reusing Old Stuff In New Way

Every year  100 tons of stuff going to dumping yards  they are simple being wasted there , if we reuse those we can make  wonderful things , for exmaple

1. Old ladder Turn Into New book shelf

2. Old chairs  turns in to New closet/shelf

3. Tennis racket mirror

4. Ladder shelf 

5.  Forks  into hanger

Making Chandeliers With Everyday Used objects

In our daily life we observe so many objects like plastic bottles , glass bottles, covers  lying on streets wastefully,  we  see it and we ignore it casually , if someone mentions air is getting polluted because of  plastic objects  we simply nod our head and give a lengthy lecture on it. here are some people who teach us how make chandelier  with daily objects.

1. Michelle Brand Plastic bottle Chandelier

2. Edchew's Milk box hanging Lamp

 3. Plastic spoon chandeliers

4. Paper cup chandelier

For more check
5.Lace lamp

Complete   Lace lamp 

7. Yarn lamp

8. Paper cut chandelier